Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
You are viewing Arthropoda: Invert (insects, crustaceans) and Pesticides-insecticides
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3908 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.49 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 5% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3909 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.17 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.71 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 10% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3910 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.43 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 1.7 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 55% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3911 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.43 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 2.6 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 60% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3912 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.73 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 90% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. | |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3913 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.1 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 4.8 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3914 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.1 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 4.5 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 15% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3915 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 4.2 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 9.1 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 45% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3916 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 7.3 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 13.7 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 70% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 19761 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 17 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality; no stats | Parrish et al. 1976. Chlordane: effects on several estuarine .... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:485-494, 1976. | |
Callinectes sapidus | 22217 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.42 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.38 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 59.4% | 40.6% | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22218 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.80 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.76 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 37.5% | 40.6% | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22219 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.20 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.42 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 21.9% | 40.6% | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22220 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.60 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.73 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 37.5% | 40.6% | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22221 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.50 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 4.61 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 31.3% | 40.6% | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22222 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.36 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.39 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 22.2% | 20.2% | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22223 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.82 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.57 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 38.5% | 20.2% | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22224 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.10 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.28 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 15.4% | 20.2% | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22225 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.64 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.48 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 26.9% | 20.2% | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22226 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.26 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 2.54 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 25.9% | 20.2% | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on mortality of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22227 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.42 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.38 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 8.49 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22228 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.80 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.76 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 9.09 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22229 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.20 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.42 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 9.05 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22230 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.60 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.73 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 9.28 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22231 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.50 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 4.61 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 7.87 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 1; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22232 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.36 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.39 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 6.06 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22233 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.82 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.57 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.29 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22234 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.10 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.28 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.54 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22235 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.64 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.48 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 6.38 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22236 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.26 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 2.54 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.57 g | N/R | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on growth (weight at end of test) within exposure groups; not compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22237 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.42 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.38 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 4.4 x 10 -3 | 5.1 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 1; decrease in carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22238 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.80 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.76 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 4.1 x 10 -3 | 5.1 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 1; decrease in carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22239 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.20 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.42 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 3.9 x 10 -3 | 5.1 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 1; decrease in carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22240 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.60 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.73 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 3.7 x 10 -3 | 5.1 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 1; decrease in carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22241 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.50 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 4.61 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 3.3 x 10 -3 | 5.1 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 1; decrease in carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22242 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.36 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.39 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 3.2 x 10 -3 | 3.3 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control; due likely to reduced molting at lower temp | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22243 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.82 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 0.57 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 3.3 x 10 -3 | 3.3 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control; due likely to reduced molting at lower temp | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22244 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.10 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.28 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 3.2 x 10 -3 | 3.3 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control; due likely to reduced molting at lower temp | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22245 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 1.64 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 1.48 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 3.0 x 10 -3 | 3.3 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control; due likely to reduced molting at lower temp | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Callinectes sapidus | 22246 | L | crab, blue | juvenile | W | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2.26 µg/g | 5% bw/d | 65 d | 2.54 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 3.4 x 10 -3 | 3.3 x 10 -3 | N/R | experiment 2; no effect on carapace thickness of exposure group as compared to the control; due likely to reduced molting at lower temp | Fisher et al. 1983. Effects of ingestion of Kepone-contamina.... Aquat Toxicol 4:219-234. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 284 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | aqueous/diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 16 d | 0.5 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Kepone in waterLipid increase | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 285 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 36 d | 0.1 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Non-ovigenerous shrimp were used.4% Rations | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 286 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | aqueous/diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 36 d | 0.1 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Kepone in water | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 287 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | aqueous/diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 36 d | 0.3 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Non-ovigenerous shrimp were used | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 288 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | aqueous/diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 36 d | 0.1 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Kepone in waterLipid Increase | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 289 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Chlordecone | 143-50-0 | N | Y | SW | aqueous/diet | 0.118 µg/g | N/I | 36 d | 0.3 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Kepone in waterLipid increase | Fisher and Clark. 1990. Bioaccumulation of Kepone by grass shrim.... Aquat Toxicol 17:167-186. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3609 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.014 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.01 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3610 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.19 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.08 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 25% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3611 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.9 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.25 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 55% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3612 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.5 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.76 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 70% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3613 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.8 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 2.1 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 20% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 19733 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/R | W | Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 7.1 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 3.32 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 30% | 0% | N/R | increase in mortality | Parrish et al. 1974. Dieldrin: effects on several estuarine o.... Proc 27th SEAFWA 27:427-434. |
Procambarus clarkii | 3094 | L | crayfish, Louisiana | adult | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 120 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.7214 | gill | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | @ 22 C | Cebrian et al. 1993. The effect of time, concentration and te.... Comp Biochem Phys C 104:445-451. |
Procambarus clarkii | 3095 | L | crayfish, Louisiana | adult | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 40 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.806 | gill | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | @ 29 C | Cebrian et al. 1993. The effect of time, concentration and te.... Comp Biochem Phys C 104:445-451. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3753 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | mature | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.46 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.08 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 10 | Sum Of Detected Endo I, Il, And Sulfate | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3755 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | mature | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.99 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.207 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 35 | Sum Of Detected Endo I, Il, And Sulfate | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3759 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | mature | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 1.75 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.48 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 65 | Sum Of Detected Endo I, Il, And Sulfate | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 3760 | L | shrimp, penaeid | mature | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.089 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.01 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 90 | Detection Limit Of Cmpd Used | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 3764 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | mature | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.065 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Sum Of Detected Endo I, Il, And Sulfate | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2330 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.75 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 129 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 10 | 172 BCF | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2332 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 1.35 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 282.15 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 35 | 209 BCF | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2337 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 2.4 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 588 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 65 | 245 BCF | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2341 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.42 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 68.88 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | 164 BCF | Schimmel et al. 1977. Acute toxicity to and bioconcentration o... |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2100 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | larvae | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.05 µg/L | N/I | 56d | 0.08 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Dose received from adults + 0.05ug/LF1 generation | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2101 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.03 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 0.05 | whole body | reproduction | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Spawning Delayed | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2102 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.03 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 0.05 | whole body | reproduction | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Number of Females Spawning | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2103 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | larvae | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.11 µg/L | N/I | 56d | 0.18 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Dose received from adults + 0.11ug/LF1 generation | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2104 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.38 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 0.61 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | N/I | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2105 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | larvae | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.03 µg/L | N/I | 56d | 0.05 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Dose received from adults + 0.03ug/LF1 generation | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2106 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.79 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 1.3 | whole body | reproduction | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Egg Production | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2107 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.79 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 1.3 | whole body | reproduction | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | hatch success | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2108 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | larvae | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.05 µg/L | N/I | 56d | 0.08 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Dose received from adults + 0.05ug/LF1 generation | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2109 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | juvenile | N/I | Endrin | 72-20-8 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.11 µg/L | N/I | 145d | 0.18 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Pawlisz and Peters. 1993. A radioactive tracer technique for the s.... Environ Sci Tech 27:2795-2800. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19869 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.06 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 50% | N/A | LC 50 | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19870 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.11 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 50% | N/A | LC 50 | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19874 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.03 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 50% | N/A | LC 50 | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19828 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.01 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 5% | 5% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19829 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.2 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.033 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 82% | 5% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19830 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.43 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 5% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19831 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 2 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 5% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19832 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 5 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 5% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19833 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.13 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.062 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 6% | 0% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19834 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.44 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.2 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 13% | 0% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19835 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 2 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.97 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 70% | 0% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19836 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 5 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 3.6 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 95% | 0% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 19837 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | Y | Y | SW | aqueous | 12.2 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 0% | N/R | tech grade 65% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19853 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.0046 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 15% | 0% | N/R | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19854 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.014 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 40% | 0% | N/R | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19855 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.032 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.01 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 40% | 0% | N/R | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19856 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.03 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 45% | 0% | N/R | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19857 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.062 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.036 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 90% | 0% | N/R | analytic grade 99.8% | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19863 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.02 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.034 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 25% | 5% | N/R | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19864 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.064 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.069 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 80% | 5% | N/R | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19865 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.093 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | 0.016 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 65% | 5% | N/R | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19866 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.295 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 5% | N/R | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19867 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.45 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 100% | 5% | N/R | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 19876 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/R | W | Heptachlor epoxide | 1024-57-3 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | continuous | 96 hr | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 50% | N/A | LC 50 | 99% grade | Schimmel et al. 1976. Heptachlor: Toxicity to and uptake by s.... J Toxicol Environ Health 1:955-965. | |
Procambarus clarkii | 3096 | L | crayfish, Louisiana | adult | N/I | Lindane | 58-89-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 190 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.1368 | gill | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | @ 22 C | Cebrian et al. 1993. The effect of time, concentration and te.... Comp Biochem Phys C 104:445-451. |
Procambarus clarkii | 3097 | L | crayfish, Louisiana | adult | N/I | Lindane | 58-89-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 30 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.159 | gill | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | @ 29 C | Cebrian et al. 1993. The effect of time, concentration and te.... Comp Biochem Phys C 104:445-451. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 2324 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/I | N/I | Lindane | 58-89-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.18 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.02 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | Exposure concentration the mean of two exposures | Schimmel et al. 1977. TToxicity and bioconcentration of BHC an.... Arch Environ Con Tox 6:355-363. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 2325 | L | shrimp, penaeid | N/I | N/I | Lindane | 58-89-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.38 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.028 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | BHC | Schimmel et al. 1977. TToxicity and bioconcentration of BHC an.... Arch Environ Con Tox 6:355-363. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 2326 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | N/I | N/I | Lindane | 58-89-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 4.3 µg/L | N/I | 96 hr | 0.19 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | Exposure concentration the mean of two exposures | Schimmel et al. 1977. TToxicity and bioconcentration of BHC an.... Arch Environ Con Tox 6:355-363. |
Cancer magister | 5780 | L | crab, dungeness | juvenile | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 2 µg/L | N/I | 12 | 0.88 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | mortality of juveniles | Armstrong et al. 1976. Toxicity of the insecticide methoxychlor.... Mar Biol 38:239-252. |
Cancer magister | 5781 | L | crab, dungeness | juvenile | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 18 | 0.17 | whole body | development | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | No evidence of delay in time to molting | Armstrong et al. 1976. Toxicity of the insecticide methoxychlor.... Mar Biol 38:239-252. |
Cancer magister | 5782 | L | crab, dungeness | juvenile | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 12 | 0.11 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Armstrong et al. 1976. Toxicity of the insecticide methoxychlor.... Mar Biol 38:239-252. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 2237 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.23 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 79.5% | 97.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 2240 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 4 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.76 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 53% | 97.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 2243 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.55 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 19% | 97.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 2265 | L | crab, harris mud | larvae | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 1 µg/kg | N/I | N/I | 0.1 | N/R | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | 4 mother crabs at each conc.; 5d larvae | Roberts et al. 1979. The effects of exposure to sub-lethal co.... Comp Biochem Phys C 62:135-140. |
Cancer magister | 3031 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 38 | partial inhibition of gill NaKMg ATPases | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 3032 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | biochemistry | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 69 | in Mg++ transport across bladder wall membrane | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Hemigrapsus nudus | 3033 | L | crab, purple shore | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 0.31 | whole body | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | osmotic regulation; residue in gills = 2.0 mg/kg | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 3034 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | osmotic regulation or ionic regulation | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5551 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | biochemistry | DEC | N/I | 37 | N/I | ED 37 | in NaKMg-ATPase activity in gill tissue | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5552 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 3 | gill | biochemistry | DEC | N/I | 37 | N/I | LOEC | in NaKMg-ATPase activity in gill tissue | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Hemigrapsus nudus | 5553 | L | crab, purple shore | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 0.31 | whole body | physiological | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | salinity tolerance | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5554 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | physiological | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | salinity tolerance | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5555 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 0.96 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | No | N/I | LOEC | osmotic and ionic regulation | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Hemigrapsus nudus | 5556 | L | crab, purple shore | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 2 | gill | physiological | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | salinity tolerance | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5557 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 3 | gill | physiological | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | salinity tolerance | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Hemigrapsus nudus | 5558 | L | crab, purple shore | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 0.31 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | osmotic and ionic regulation | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Hemigrapsus nudus | 5559 | L | crab, purple shore | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 2 | gill | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | osmotic and ionic regulation | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Cancer magister | 5560 | L | crab, dungeness | adult | N/I | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | Y | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.01 mg/L | N/I | 14 | 3 | gill | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | osmotic and ionic regulation | Caldwell. 1974. Osmotic and ionic regulation in decapod ... |
Callinectes sapidus | 17116 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.15 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 26.5% | 53.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17117 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.3 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.34 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 6.5% | 53.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17118 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.6 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 2.68 | whole body | survival | DEC | N/R | 2% | 53.5% | N/R | survival decreased | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17119 | L | crab, blue | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 2.87 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 39.9 d | 32.5 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17120 | L | crab, blue | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.3 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 2.62 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 42.7 d | 32.5 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17121 | L | crab, blue | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.6 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 1.25 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 42.3 d | 32.5 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5434 | L | crab, harris mud | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 0.51 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 13 d | 10.6 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5436 | L | crab, harris mud | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 4 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 0.59 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 14.5 d | 10.6 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5437 | L | crab, harris mud | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 1.28 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 15.3 d | 10.6 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5438 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 2.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.23 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 18.3 d | 15.8 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5442 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 4 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.76 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 20.2 d | 15.8 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 5444 | L | crab, harris mud | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.55 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 20.4 d | 15.8 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17122 | L | crab, blue | zoeal | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.9 µg/L | 1x/24hr | zoeal | 0.81 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 50 d | 32.5 d | N/R | zoeal development prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17123 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.15 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 52.1 d | 42.3 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 17125 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.3 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 0.34 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 54.4 d | 42.3 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Callinectes sapidus | 19713 | L | crab, blue | 1st crab stage | W | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.6 µg/L | 1x/24hr | 1st crab | 2.68 | whole body | development | INC | N/R | 53.5 d | 42.3 d | N/R | hatch to 1st crab prolonged | Bookhout et al. 1976. Effects of methoxychlor on larval develo.... Water Air Soil Pollut 5:349-365. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5122 | L | shrimp, penaeid | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 15 | 0.3 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 100% | N/I | LD 100 | Summer water temp 29.8 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5123 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.04 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | 33% | N/I | LOEC | paralyzed or lost equilibrium | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5125 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.059 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.03 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Fall water temp 23.4 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5126 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.04 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Summer water temp 29.8 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 2168 | L | crab, blue | larvae | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 10 µg/L | N/I | 60 | 1.62 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 100% | N/I | LD 100 | no larvae survived beyond 12-13 d | Bookhout and Costlow. 1975. Effects of mirex on the larval developme.... Water Air Soil Pollut 4:113-126. |
Callinectes sapidus | 2169 | L | crab, blue | larvae | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.1 µg/L | N/I | 60 | 0.07 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LD 42 | Increased mortality | Bookhout and Costlow. 1975. Effects of mirex on the larval developme.... Water Air Soil Pollut 4:113-126. |
Callinectes sapidus | 2170 | L | crab, blue | larvae | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 1 µg/L | N/I | 60 | 0.41 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LD 99 | Increased mortality in stages II, III | Bookhout and Costlow. 1975. Effects of mirex on the larval developme.... Water Air Soil Pollut 4:113-126. |
Callinectes sapidus | 2171 | L | crab, blue | larvae | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.01 µg/L | N/I | 60 | 0.03 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Bookhout and Costlow. 1975. Effects of mirex on the larval developme.... Water Air Soil Pollut 4:113-126. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5127 | L | shrimp, penaeid | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.059 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.12 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Fall water temp 23.4 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5128 | L | shrimp, penaeid | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.15 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Winter water temp 19.1 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 5129 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.059 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.27 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Fall water temp 23.4 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 5130 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.62 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Summer water temp 29.8 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 5131 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.64 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Winter water temp 19.1 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5132 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.02 | whole body | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (carapace length) | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5133 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.06 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.03 | whole body | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (carapace length) | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5134 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.04 | whole body | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (carapace length) | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5135 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.13 | whole body | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (carapace length) | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5136 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.02 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Spring water temp 23.1 | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5137 | L | shrimp, penaeid | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.039 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.09 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Spring water temp 22.4 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 5138 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.09 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Spring water temp 23.1 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5139 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.13 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Winter water temp 19.1 C | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5144 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.04 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.02 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | in frequency of molting | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5145 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.06 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.03 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | frequency of molting | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5146 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.12 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.04 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | in frequency of molting | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Callinectes sapidus | 5147 | L | crab, blue | immature | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.13 | whole body | physiological | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | in frequency of molting | Tagatz et al. 1975. Seasonal effects of leached mirex on sel.... Arch Environ Con Tox 3:371-383. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5149 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 41 | 0.02 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | High control mortality also. | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5150 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 41 | 0.02 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Loss of equilibium, did not burrow | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Panopeus herbstii | 5151 | L | crab, Atlantic mud | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 70 | 0.22 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | loss of equilibium; paralysis | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Clibanarius vittatus | 5152 | L | crab, thinstripe hermit | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 70 | 0.23 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Crabs without shells moved awkwardly | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 5153 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 41 | 0.02 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Darker coloration | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Panopeus herbstii | 5154 | L | crab, Atlantic mud | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 70 | 0.22 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Residues ranged from 0.22 to 1.2 mg/kg. | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Clibanarius vittatus | 5155 | L | crab, thinstripe hermit | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 70 | 0.23 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Residues ranged from 0.23 to 2.7 mg/kg. | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Palaemonetes vulgaris | 5156 | L | shrimp, marsh grass | adult | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.038 µg/L | N/I | 70 | 0.47 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | Residues ranged from 0.47 to 0.8 mg/kg. | Tagatz et al. 1976. Effects of leached mirex on experimental.... Arch Environ Con Tox 4:435-442. |
Procambarus blandingii | 1385 | L | crayfish, santee | juvenile/adult | W | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | FW | diet | 2.201 µg/L | 2 granules 1x | 2 of 8 d | 1.9 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 25% | no mortality | N/R | fed 2 granules of mirex | Ludke et al. 1971. Toxicity of mirex to crayfish, Procambar.... B Environ Contam Tox 6:89-96. |
Procambarus blandingii | 1386 | L | crayfish, santee | juvenile/adult | W | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | FW | diet | 1.489 µg/L | 2 granules 1x | 3 of 8 d | 8.773 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 37.5% | no mortality | N/R | fed 2 granules of mirex | Ludke et al. 1971. Toxicity of mirex to crayfish, Procambar.... B Environ Contam Tox 6:89-96. |
Procambarus blandingii | 1387 | L | crayfish, santee | juvenile/adult | W | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | FW | diet | 0.32 µg/L | 2 granules 1x | 6 of 8 d | 8.68 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 50% | no mortality | N/R | fed 2 granules of mirex | Ludke et al. 1971. Toxicity of mirex to crayfish, Procambar.... B Environ Contam Tox 6:89-96. |
Procambarus blandingii | 1388 | L | crayfish, santee | juvenile/adult | W | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | Y | FW | diet | 0.496 µg/L | 2 granules 1x | 8 of 8 d | 5.947 | whole body | mortality | INC | N/R | 62.5% | no mortality | N/R | fed 2 granules of mirex | Ludke et al. 1971. Toxicity of mirex to crayfish, Procambar.... B Environ Contam Tox 6:89-96. |
Orconectes mississippiensis | 5647 | L | crayfish, Mississippi | N/I | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.5 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 7.12 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 100% | N/I | LD 100 | Residue measured at 5 d exposure. | de la Cruz and Naqvi. 1973. Mirex incorporation in the environment: .... Arch Environ Con Tox 1:255-264. |
Orconectes mississippiensis | 5648 | L | crayfish, Mississippi | N/I | N/I | Mirex | 2385-85-5 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 2 mg/L | N/I | 7 | 21.2 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 100% | N/I | LD 100 | Residue measured at 5 d exposure. | de la Cruz and Naqvi. 1973. Mirex incorporation in the environment: .... Arch Environ Con Tox 1:255-264. |
Homarus americanus | 5616 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.5 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.5 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 100% | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Homarus americanus | 5617 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.3 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.3 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 1 of 2 injected animals died. | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Homarus americanus | 5618 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.4 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.4 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 67 | 2 of 3 injected animals died. | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Homarus americanus | 5619 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.2 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.2 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | 1 of 3 injected animals died. | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Homarus americanus | 5620 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.05 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.05 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | 1 of 1 injected animal survived. | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Homarus americanus | 5621 | L | lobster, American | adult | N/I | Parathion | 56-38-2 | N | Y | SW | injection | 0.1 mg/kg | N/I | 2 | 0.1 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | 1 of 1 injected animal survived. | Carlson. 1973. Comparison of the metabolism of parathio.... B Environ Contam Tox 9:296-300. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2609 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.4 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.07 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2610 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.8 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.07 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2611 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.6 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.1 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2612 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.7 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.11 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2616 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.8 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.13 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2618 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.7 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.15 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2620 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5.1 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.16 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2621 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 4.6 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.17 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2622 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.17 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2623 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 4.8 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.18 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2624 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 6.6 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.19 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2625 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.2 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 4067 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.6 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.36 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 15 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 4068 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.7 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.54 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 20 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 4070 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 3.4 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 2.7 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 25 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 4074 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 4.2 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 3.3 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 53 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 4075 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 2 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 0.83 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 65 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 4076 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 8.3 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 9.7 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 68 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 4077 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 5 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 4.8 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 70 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes pugio | 4078 | L | shrimp, daggerblade grass | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7.9 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 8.1 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 75 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Farfantepanaeus duorarum | 4080 | L | shrimp, penaeid | adult | N/I | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 4 µg/L | N/I | 4 | 1.7 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 90 | N/I | Schimmel et al. 1977. Uptake and toxicity of toxaphene in seve.... Arch Environ Con Tox 5:353-367. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2648 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 11.3 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.14 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2649 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 8.3 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.17 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2650 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 8.3 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.2 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2652 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 8.4 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.22 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2653 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.28 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2655 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7.7 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.35 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 15 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2656 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7.1 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.36 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 17 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2663 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 6.4 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.43 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2664 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7.2 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.49 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 20 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2665 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 7.2 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.54 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 22 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2666 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 6.3 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.66 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 25 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |
Palaemonetes sp. | 2667 | L | shrimp, grass | juvenile | N/I | Tricholofon | 52-68-6 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 6.5 mg/L | N/I | 4 d | 0.84 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | 30 ppt salinity, 27 C | Brecken-Folse et al. 1994. Acute toxicity of 4‐nitrophenol, 2,4‐din.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:67-77. |