Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
You are viewing Chordata: Vert (fishes; non-salmonid) and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4879 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.44 µg/L | N/I | 20 | 0.0283 | carcass | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 4 x | N/I | LOEC | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4880 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.44 µg/L | N/I | 10 | 0.0289 | carcass | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 4 x | N/I | LOEC | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4881 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | injection | 10 mg/kg | N/I | 3 | 10 | whole body | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 11 x | N/I | LOEC | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4882 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.76 µg/L | N/I | 10 | 0.0257 | carcass | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 11 x | N/I | N/A | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4883 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.76 µg/L | N/I | 20 | 0.0265 | carcass | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 7 x | N/I | N/A | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4884 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | injection | 50 mg/kg | N/I | 3 | 50 | whole body | enzyme(s) | INC | N/I | 10 x | N/I | N/A | induction of EROD | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4885 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.239 µg/L | N/I | 20 | 0.0196 | carcass | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | no induction of ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4886 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | aqueous | 0.239 µg/L | N/I | 10 | 0.0239 | carcass | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | no induction of ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Dorosoma cepedianum | 4887 | L | American gizzard shad | adult | N/I | Benzo[a]pyrene | 50-32-8 | N | Y | N/I | injection | 1 mg/kg | N/I | 3 | 1 | whole body | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | no induction of ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase | Levine et al. 1994. Comparison of P-4501A1 monooxygenase ind.... Aquat Toxicol 30:61-75. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15606 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | development | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 10 | time to hatch | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15607 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 54 | LWO; number of dead eggs | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15608 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 35 | LWO; larval length | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15609 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | development | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | IP 375 | spinal curvature | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15610 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 92 | LWO; yolk sac edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15611 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 95 | LWO; reduced jaw | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15612 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 25 | LWO; Pericardial edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15613 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 65 | LWO; Spinal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15614 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 85.9 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 13.7 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 90 | LWO; reduced % effective swimmers | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15615 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | development | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 9 | time to hatch | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15616 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.6 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | development | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 18 | time to hatch | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15617 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; % dead eggs | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15618 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; % dead eggs | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15619 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.6 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 14 | MWO; % dead eggs | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15620 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 25 | MWO; yolk sac edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15621 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 54 | MWO; yolk sac edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15622 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.2 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 95 | MWO; yolk sac edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15623 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; larval length | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15624 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 14 | MWO; larval length | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15625 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; degree of spinal curvature | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15626 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | IP 168 | MWO; degree of spinal curvature | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15627 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.2 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | IP 240 | MWO; degree of spinal curvature | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15628 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; skeletal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15629 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 37 | MWO; skeletal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15630 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 15 | MWO; reduced jaw | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15631 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 40 | MWO; reduced jaw | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15632 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.2 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 87 | MWO; reduced jaw | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15633 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; pericardial edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15634 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 30 | MWO; pericardial edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15635 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.2 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 39 | MWO; pericardial edema | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15636 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; spinal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15637 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 12 | MWO; spinal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15638 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.6 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | morphology | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 58 | MWO; spinal defects | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15639 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | reduced % effective swimmers | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15640 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 14 | reduced % effective swimmers | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15641 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 7.2 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.15 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 73 | reduced % effective swimmers | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15642 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | development | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | finfold reduction in size | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15643 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | development | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 38 | finfold reduction in size | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15644 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | development | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | craniofacial development | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15645 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | development | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 36 | craniofacial development | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15646 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | development | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 10 | fin ray absence | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15647 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | development | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 35 | fin ray absence | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15648 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.022 | whole body | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; genetic - anaphase aberration | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 15649 | L | Pacific herring | egg | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.72 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.108 | whole body | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MWO; genetic - anaphase aberration (NOED is <5%) | Carls et al. 1999. Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered.... Environ Toxicol Chem 18:481-493. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 16067 | L | Pacific herring | embryo | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.62 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | EC 49 | Heart rate, 6.25% exposure | Incardona et al. 2009. Cardiac arrhythmia is the primary respon.... Environ Sci Tech 43:201-207. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 16068 | L | Pacific herring | embryo | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1.1 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | EC 63 | Heart rate, 12.5 % exposure | Incardona et al. 2009. Cardiac arrhythmia is the primary respon.... Environ Sci Tech 43:201-207. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 16069 | L | Pacific herring | embryo | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | EC 66 | Heart rate, 25 % exposure | Incardona et al. 2009. Cardiac arrhythmia is the primary respon.... Environ Sci Tech 43:201-207. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 16070 | L | Pacific herring | embryo | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | EC 68 | Heart rate, 50 % exposure | Incardona et al. 2009. Cardiac arrhythmia is the primary respon.... Environ Sci Tech 43:201-207. |
Clupea pallasii pallasii | 16071 | L | Pacific herring | embryo | N/I | PAHs | 130498-29-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 8.1 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | EC 67 | Heart rate, 100 % exposure | Incardona et al. 2009. Cardiac arrhythmia is the primary respon.... Environ Sci Tech 43:201-207. |