Environmental Residue-Effects Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Field Name Description
% Effect   The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). 
Analyte   The chemical substance used to create the exposure.  
CAS   CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance.  
COLL  Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). 
Comments  Commonly supports the effects data. 
Common name  Common name of the test animal. 
Control   The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). 
Dose  The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. 
Duration   The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). 
Effect   The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). 
ERED ID  Unique identification number autogenerated by database. 
ExpConc  The exposure concentration and units. 
Fraction   The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). 
Genus Species   Scientific name of the test animal. 
Media  Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) 
Mix   Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). 
Risk   Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study.  
Route   The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. 
Signif   Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). 
Source  Reference from which data was obtained. 
Spiked  Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) 
ST  Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). 
Stage   Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). 
Tissue ww (mg/kg)   Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). 
Trend   The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). 

You are viewing Mollusca: Invert (molluscs) and Organotin

Genus Species ERED ID ST Common Stage COLL Analyte CAS MX SPK H2O Route CONC Dose DUR Residue
mg/kg ww
Fraction Effect Trend Signif % Effect Control Risk Comments Source
Ostrea edulis 18425 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 75 d 0.4 whole body survival DEC N/R 94% 98% N/R 94% survival Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18426 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.62 µg/L continuous 75 d 1.23 whole body survival DEC N/R 90% 98% N/R 90% survival Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18427 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 75 d 0.4 whole body growth DEC N/R 36% 50% N/R 36% showing shell growth Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18428 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.62 µg/L continuous 75 d 1.23 whole body growth DEC N/R 8% 50% N/R 8% showing shell growth Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18429 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 75 d 0.4 whole body indice of condition DEC N/R 10.9 11.6 N/R condition index Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18430 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.62 µg/L continuous 75 d 1.23 whole body indice of condition INC N/R 12.9 11.6 N/R condition index Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18431 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 75 d 0.4 whole body reproduction DEC N/R 0 Normal N/R no larvae released Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18432 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.62 µg/L continuous 75 d 1.23 whole body reproduction DEC N/R 0 Normal N/R no larvae released Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18433 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 75 d 0.4 whole body reproduction NEF N/R 3 0 N/R 3 of 27 osyters w/undifferentiated tissue Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18434 L oyster, edible adult N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.62 µg/L continuous 75 d 1.23 whole body reproduction DEC N/R 18 0 N/R 18 of 25 oysters w/undifferentiated tissue; extreme retardation of development Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18435 L oyster, edible spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 0.53 whole body growth DEC N/R 680 mg 710 mg N/R weight increase mg; control=0.25 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18436 L oyster, edible spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 0.53 whole body growth DEC N/R 2.38 mm 3 mm N/R length increase mm; control=0.25 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18437 L oyster, edible spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 0.53 whole body survival NEF N/R 100% 90% N/R 100% spat survival; control=0.25 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Ostrea edulis 18438 L oyster, edible spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 2.6 µg/L continuous 45 d 0.75 whole body survival DEC N/R 30% 90% N/R 30% spat survival; control=0.25 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Crassostrea gigas 18439 L oyster, Pacific spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 2.38 whole body growth DEC N/R 110 mg 440 mg N/R weight increase mg; control=0.63 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Crassostrea gigas 18440 L oyster, Pacific spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 2.38 whole body growth DEC N/R 0.18 mm 1.88 mm N/R length increase mm; control=0.63 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Crassostrea gigas 18441 L oyster, Pacific spat N/R Tributyltin 688-76-3 N Y SW aqueous 0.24 µg/L continuous 45 d 2.38 whole body survival DEC N/R 60% 80% N/R 60% spat survival; control=0.63 mg/kg TBT Thain. 1986. Toxicity of TBT to Bivalves: Effects on...
Crassostrea gigas 18463 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 5 ng/L continuous 70 d 0.1 whole body growth N/R N/R -15% 49% N/R % tissue growth; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18464 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 7 ng/L continuous 70 d 0.17 whole body growth N/R N/R 19% 49% N/R % tissue growth; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18465 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 70 d 0.75 whole body growth N/R N/R 0% 49% N/R % tissue growth; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18466 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 70 d 1.95 whole body growth N/R N/R 13% 49% N/R % tissue growth; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18467 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 60 ng/L continuous 70 d 1.27 whole body growth N/R N/R 34% 49% N/R % tissue growth; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18468 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 5 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.1 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 22 30 N/R shell thick index; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18469 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 7 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.17 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 13 30 N/R shell thick index; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18470 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.75 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 8 30 N/R shell thick index; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18471 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 140 d 1.95 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 7 30 N/R shell thick index; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18472 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 60 ng/L continuous 140 d 1.27 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 8 30 N/R shell thick index; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18473 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 5 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.1 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 22% 25% N/R condition%; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18474 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 7 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.17 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 22% 25% N/R condition%; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18475 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 140 d 0.75 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 14% 25% N/R condition%; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18476 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 27 ng/L continuous 140 d 1.95 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 14% 25% N/R condition%; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea gigas 18477 F oyster, Pacific immature C Tributyltin 688-76-3 Y N SW in situ 60 ng/L continuous 140 d 1.27 whole body indice of condition N/R N/R 16% 25% N/R condition%; NO CONTROL; pos. 1 used b/c distance from farm Davies et al. 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin antifo...
Crassostrea virginica 18479 L eastern oyster N/R C Tributyltin chloride 56573-85-4 N Y SW aqueous 0.7 µg/L continuous 60 d 0.56 digestive gland survival NEF N/R 100% N/R N/R 100% survival Pickwell and Steinert. 1988. Accumulation and effects of organotin co.... Mar Environ Res 24:215-218.
Crassostrea gigas 5496 F oyster, Pacific adult C Tributyltin fluoride 1983-10-4 Y N SW in situ N/I continuous 170 d 22 soft tissue survival DEC N/R 0% 100% N/R no survival after 170 d; tissue conc from day 80 Alzieu and Heral. 1984. Ecotoxicological effects of organotin co...
Crassostrea gigas 5497 Meso oyster, Pacific adult C Tributyltin fluoride 1983-10-4 Y Y SW aqueous N/I continuous 110 d 5 soft tissue survival DEC N/R 70% 100% N/R survival decreased Alzieu and Heral. 1984. Ecotoxicological effects of organotin co...
Crassostrea gigas 5498 F oyster, Pacific adult C Tributyltin fluoride 1983-10-4 Y N SW in situ N/I continuous 170 d 22 soft tissue development INC N/R N/I normal N/R calcification anomalies Alzieu and Heral. 1984. Ecotoxicological effects of organotin co...
Crassostrea gigas 5499 Meso oyster, Pacific adult C Tributyltin fluoride 1983-10-4 Y Y SW aqueous N/I continuous 110 d 5 soft tissue development INC N/R N/I normal N/R calcification anomalies Alzieu and Heral. 1984. Ecotoxicological effects of organotin co...
Crassostrea gigas 18399 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 3.7 whole body growth DEC N/R -1.1% 53.7% N/R % wet weight increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18400 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 3.7 whole body growth DEC N/R -0.1% 4.7% N/R % length increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18401 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 3.7 whole body growth INC N/R 51.6 26.9 N/R length/thickness ratio of upper valve Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18402 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 3.7 whole body indice of condition DEC N/R 23 62 N/R condition index Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18403 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 4.89 whole body growth DEC N/R 4.4% 53.7% N/R % wet weight increase; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18404 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 4.89 whole body growth DEC N/R 0.0% 4.7% N/R % length increase; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18405 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 4.89 whole body growth INC N/R 33.1 26.9 N/R length/thickness ratio of upper valve; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18406 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 4.89 whole body indice of condition DEC N/R 36 62 N/R condition index; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18407 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.71 whole body growth DEC N/R 16.1% 53.7% N/R % wet weight increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18408 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.71 whole body growth DEC N/R -0.2% 4.7% N/R % length increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18409 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.71 whole body growth DEC N/R 15.1 26.9 N/R length/thickness ratio of upper valve Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18410 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.71 whole body indice of condition DEC N/R 51 62 N/R condition index Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18411 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.3 whole body growth DEC N/R 28.2% 53.7% N/R % wet weight increase; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18412 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.3 whole body growth DEC N/R 1.4% 4.7% N/R % length increase; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18413 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.3 whole body growth DEC N/R 6.2 26.9 N/R length/thickness ratio of upper valve; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18414 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.3 whole body indice of condition DEC N/R 55 62 N/R condition index; +30mg/L suspended sed Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18415 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y N SW aqueous/sediment 0.73 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 0.59 whole body growth INC N/R 72.5% 53.7% N/R 30mg/L suspended sed; % wet weight increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18416 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y N SW aqueous/sediment 0.73 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 0.59 whole body growth INC N/R 7.8% 4.7% N/R 30mg/L suspended sed; % length increase Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18417 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y N SW aqueous/sediment 0.73 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 0.59 whole body growth DEC N/R 10.2 26.9 N/R 30mg/L suspended sed; length/thickness ratio of upper valve Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18418 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y N SW aqueous/sediment 0.73 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 0.59 whole body indice of condition INC N/R 64 62 N/R 30mg/L suspended sed; condition index Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18419 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 3.7 whole body survival DEC N/R 80% 100% N/R 80% survival of spat Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18420 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 1.6 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 4.89 whole body survival DEC N/R 90% 100% N/R 90% survival of spat Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18421 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 N Y SW aqueous 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.71 whole body survival DEC N/R 90% 100% N/R 90% survival of spat Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18422 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y Y SW aqueous/sediment 0.15 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 1.3 whole body survival NEF N/R 100% 100% N/R 100% survival of spat Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.
Crassostrea gigas 18423 L oyster, Pacific spat C tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 Y N SW aqueous/sediment 0.73 µg/L 1x/24hr 56 d 0.59 whole body survival NEF N/R 100% 100% N/R 100% survival of spat Waldock and Thain. 1983. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: o.... Mar Pollut Bull 14:411-415.