Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
You are viewing Chordata: Vert (fishes; non-salmonid) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21127 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.1 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.84 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 4% | 4% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21128 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.32 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 1.5 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 4% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21129 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.46 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 12 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 4% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21130 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.4 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 46 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 4% | 4% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21131 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 100 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 16% | 4% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21132 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.29 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 5.4 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 12% | 8% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21133 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 22 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 12% | 8% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21134 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 3.4 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 110 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 12% | 8% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21135 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 15 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | N/R | mortality | INC | Y | 92% | 8% | N/R | mortality increased; no tissue conc. reported | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21136 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 42 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | N/R | mortality | INC | Y | 100% | 8% | N/R | all fish died; no tissue conc. reported | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21137 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.1 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 2.3 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21138 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.32 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 8.9 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21139 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.46 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 11 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21140 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.4 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 79 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21141 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 230 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21142 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.29 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 10 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 4% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21143 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 54 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 0% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21144 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 3.4 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 220 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 4% | 0% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21145 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 15 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 1100 | whole body | mortality | INC | Y | 88% | 0% | N/R | mortality increased | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21146 | L | Sheepshead minnow | juvenile | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 42 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | N/R | mortality | INC | Y | 100% | 0% | N/R | all fish died; no tissue conc. reported | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21147 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.1 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | N/R | mortality | NEF | N | 24% | 24% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21148 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.32 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 0.81 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 27% | 24% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21149 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.46 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 4.9 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 10% | 24% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21150 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.4 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 22 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 25% | 24% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21151 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.5 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 38 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 39% | 24% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21152 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.29 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 5.9 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 22% | 23% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21153 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 26 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 33% | 23% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21154 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 3.4 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 57 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | 29% | 23% | N/R | no effect on mortality vs control; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21155 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 15 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | 200 | whole body | mortality | INC | Y | 86% | 23% | N/R | mortality increased; hatched fry used to determine tissue conc. | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21156 | L | Sheepshead minnow | egg | W | Aroclor 1016 | 12674-11-2 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 42 µg/L | continuous | 33 d | N/R | mortality | INC | Y | 100% | 23% | N/R | all fish died; no tissue conc. reported | Hansen et al. 1975. Effects of Aroclor(R) 1016 on embryos, f.... T Am Fish Soc 3:584-588. | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21552 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 2.2 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 13% | 7% | N/R | mortality reported as negligible | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21553 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.14 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 9.5 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 7% | 7% | N/R | mortality reported as negligible | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21554 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.39 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 25 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 10% | 7% | N/R | mortality reported as negligible | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21555 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.1 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 49 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N/R | 3% | 7% | N/R | mortality reported as negligible | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21556 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.6 µg/L | daily | 28 d | N/R | mortality | INC | N/R | 95% | 7% | N/R | mortality increase substantially; no tissue conc reported | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21557 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 0.88 | egg | survival | NEF | N | 88% | 93% | N/R | no effect on survival of embryo to hatch in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21558 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.14 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 5.1 | egg | survival | NEF | N | 80% | 93% | N/R | no effect on survival of embryo to hatch in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21559 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.39 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 11 | egg | survival | NEF | N | 98% | 93% | N/R | no effect on survival of embryo to hatch in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21560 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.1 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 27 | egg | survival | NEF | N | 85% | 93% | N/R | no effect on survival of embryo to hatch in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21561 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.6 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 170 | egg | survival | DEC | Y | 72% | 93% | N/R | decreased survival of embryo to hatch in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21562 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 0.88 | egg | survival | NEF | N | 97% | 95% | N/R | no effect on week 1 survival of fry in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21563 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.14 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 5.1 | egg | survival | DEC | Y | 77% | 95% | N/R | decrease in week 1 survival of fry in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21564 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.39 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 11 | egg | survival | DEC | Y | 26% | 95% | N/R | decrease in week 1 survival of fry in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21565 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.1 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 27 | egg | survival | DEC | Y | 23% | 95% | N/R | decrease in week 1 survival of fry in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21566 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.6 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 170 | egg | survival | DEC | Y | 0% | 95% | N/R | decrease in week 1 survival of fry in exposure group as compared to control | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21567 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.09 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 2.2 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N/R | 121 eggs | 97 eggs | N/R | no alteration of fecundity for surviving fish | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21568 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.14 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 9.5 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N/R | 110 eggs | 97 eggs | N/R | no alteration of fecundity for surviving fish | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21569 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 0.39 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 25 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N/R | 127 eggs | 97 eggs | N/R | no alteration of fecundity for surviving fish | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21570 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 1.1 µg/L | daily | 28 d | 49 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N/R | 152 eggs | 97 eggs | N/R | no alteration of fecundity for surviving fish | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... |
Cyprinodon variegatus | 21571 | L | Sheepshead minnow | adult | C | Aroclor 1254 | 11097-69-1 | N | Y | SW | aqueous | 5.6 µg/L | daily | 28 d | N/R | reproduction | NEF | N/R | 138 eggs | 97 eggs | N/R | no alteration of fecundity for surviving fish | Hansen et al. 1973. Aroclor 1254 in eggs of sheepshead minno... | |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21348 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 0.34 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 96% | N/R | no difference in FEMALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21349 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 1.3 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 86.7% | 96% | N/R | no difference in FEMALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21350 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 3.3 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 96% | N/R | no difference in FEMALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21351 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 15 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 14 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 96% | N/R | no difference in FEMALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21352 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 0.42 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 96% | N/R | no difference in MALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21353 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 93.3% | 96% | N/R | no difference in MALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21354 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 4.5 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 66.7% | 96% | N/R | no difference in MALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21355 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 15 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 15 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 86.7% | 96% | N/R | no difference in MALE survival between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21356 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 0.38 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 11 g | 11.4 g | N/R | (males and females combined) no difference in weight between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21357 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 1.65 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 15.4 g | 11.4 g | N/R | (males and females combined) no difference in weight between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21358 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 3.9 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 14 g | 11.4 g | N/R | (males and females combined) no difference in weight between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21359 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 15 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 14.5 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 12.4 g | 11.4 g | N/R | (males and females combined) no difference in weight between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21360 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 0.34 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 108 eggs | 110 eggs | N/R | no difference in fecundity between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21361 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 1.3 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 109 eggs | 110 eggs | N/R | no difference in fecundity between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21362 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 3.3 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 161 eggs | 110 eggs | N/R | no difference in fecundity between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21363 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 15 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 14 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 77 eggs | 110 eggs | N/R | no difference in fecundity between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21364 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 0.4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 0.34 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 70% | 57.5% | N/R | no difference in fertilization success between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21365 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 2 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 1.3 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 67% | 57.5% | N/R | no difference in fertilization success between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21366 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 4 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 3.3 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 65% | 57.5% | N/R | no difference in fertilization success between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21367 | L | mummichog | adult | W | Aroclor 1268 | 11100-14-4 | N | Y | SW | diet | 15 mg/kg | 2x/d | 102 d | 14 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 41% | 57.5% | N/R | no difference in fertilization success between control and exposed groups | Matta et al. 2001. Reproductive and transgenerational effec.... Environ Toxicol Chem 20:327-335. |
Poecilia reticulata | 2052 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 133 | 35694-04-3 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 1400 mg/kg | daily | 65 d | 359.7 | whole body | mortality | INC | Y | 22% | 0% | N/R | 22% mortality; mixed w/PCB 197 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 2053 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 133 | 35694-04-3 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 550 mg/kg | daily | 65 d | 120.8 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 197 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18948 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 133 | 35694-04-3 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 150 mg/kg | daily | 191 d | 144.9 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 197 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18949 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 133 | 35694-04-3 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 73 mg/kg | daily | 247 d | 65.3 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 197 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18950 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 133 | 35694-04-3 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 7.1 mg/kg | daily | 247 d | 7.4 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 197 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18951 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 197 | 33091-17-7 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 1400 mg/kg | daily | 65 d | 436.5 | whole body | mortality | INC | Y | 22% | 0% | N/R | 22% mortality; mixed w/PCB 133 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18952 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 197 | 33091-17-7 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 530 mg/kg | daily | 65 d | 130.3 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 133 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18953 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 197 | 33091-17-7 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 140 mg/kg | daily | 191 d | 113.8 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 133 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18954 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 197 | 33091-17-7 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 61 mg/kg | daily | 247 d | 64.3 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 133 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Poecilia reticulata | 18955 | L | guppy | adult | N/R | PCB 197 | 33091-17-7 | Y | Y | FW | diet | 7.1 mg/kg | daily | 247 d | 8.5 | whole body | mortality | NEF | N | <13% | 0% | N/R | < 13% mortality; mixed w/PCB 133 | Opperhuizen and Schrap. 1988. Uptake efficiencies of two polychlorobip.... Chemosphere 17:253-262. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21320 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 10 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 2.5 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 67-97% | 67-97% | N/R | no difference in hatching success between controls and exposed groups | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21321 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 100 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 17 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 33-87% | 67-97% | N/R | no difference in hatching success between controls and exposed groups | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21322 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 10 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 2.4 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 53-67% | 13-80% | N/R | no difference in hatching success between controls and exposed groups | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21323 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 100 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 14.9 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 33-50% | 13-80% | N/R | no difference in hatching success between controls and exposed groups | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21324 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 10 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 2.5 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | 100% of larval fish survived to 8 days post-hatch in all treatments | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21325 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 100 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 17 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | 100% of larval fish survived to 8 days post-hatch in all treatments | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21326 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 10 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 2.4 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | 100% of larval fish survived to 8 days post-hatch in all treatments | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |
Fundulus heteroclitus | 21327 | L | mummichog | adult | W | PCBs (total) | 1336-36-3 | Y | Y | SW | injection | 100 mg/kg | 1x | 7 wk | 14.9 | egg | reproduction | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | 100% of larval fish survived to 8 days post-hatch in all treatments | Elskus et al. 1999. Altered CYP1A expression in Fundulus het.... Aquat Toxicol 45:99-113. |