Environmental Residue-Effects Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Field Name Description
% Effect   The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). 
Analyte   The chemical substance used to create the exposure.  
CAS   CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance.  
COLL  Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). 
Comments  Commonly supports the effects data. 
Common name  Common name of the test animal. 
Control   The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). 
Dose  The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. 
Duration   The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). 
Effect   The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). 
ERED ID  Unique identification number autogenerated by database. 
ExpConc  The exposure concentration and units. 
Fraction   The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). 
Genus Species   Scientific name of the test animal. 
Media  Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) 
Mix   Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). 
Risk   Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study.  
Route   The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. 
Signif   Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). 
Source  Reference from which data was obtained. 
Spiked  Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) 
ST  Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). 
Stage   Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). 
Tissue ww (mg/kg)   Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). 
Trend   The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). 

You are viewing Chordata: Vert (fishes; salmonid) and Arsenic

Genus Species ERED ID ST Common Stage COLL Analyte CAS MX SPK H2O Route CONC Dose DUR Residue
mg/kg ww
Fraction Effect Trend Signif % Effect Control Risk Comments Source
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21734 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 193 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.4 whole body growth INC Y 12.57 g 11.42 g N/R gain in body weight significantly increased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21735 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 405 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.64 whole body growth INC Y 12.17 g 11.42 g N/R gain in body weight significantly increased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21736 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 735 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.76 whole body growth NEF N 11.68 g 11.42 g N/R no difference in gain in body weight in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21737 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 1503 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.22 whole body growth NEF N 11.97 g 11.42 g N/R no difference in gain in body weight in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21726 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 193 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.4 whole body mortality NEF N/R 2% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21727 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 405 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.64 whole body mortality NEF N/R 1% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21728 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 735 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.76 whole body mortality NEF N/R 4% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21729 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsanilic acid 98-50-0 N Y FW diet 1503 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.22 whole body mortality NEF N/R 1% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17779 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 4.6 mg/L continuous 28 d 0.82 whole body survival NEF N N/I N/I N/R no effect on survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17780 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 9.1 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.9 whole body survival NEF N N/I N/I N/R no effect on survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17784 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4.5 mg/kg 1x/24hr 28 d 1.86 whole body survival NEF N N/I N/I N/R no effect on survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17785 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.7 mg/kg 1x/24hr 28 d 3.54 whole body survival NEF N N/I N/I N/R no effect on survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17786 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 8.4 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.1 whole body survival NEF N 94% N/I N/R 94% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17787 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 16.2 mg/L continuous 28 d 2.56 whole body survival DEC Y 44% N/I N/R 44% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17788 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 33 mg/L continuous 28 d 15.4 whole body survival DEC Y 13% N/I N/R 13% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17789 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 1.64 whole body survival NEF N 100% N/I N/R 100% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17790 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 3.44 whole body survival NEF N 100% N/I N/R 100% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17791 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6 whole body survival DEC Y 75% N/I N/R 75% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17792 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11.2 whole body survival DEC Y 13% N/I N/R 13% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17793 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.2 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 3.66 whole body survival NEF N 100% N/I N/R 100% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17794 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6.4 whole body survival NEF N 100% N/I N/R 100% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17798 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 4.6 mg/L continuous 28 d 0.82 whole body growth NEF N N/I N/I N/R no effect on growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17799 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 9.1 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.9 whole body growth DEC N 8% N/I N/R 8% dec growth (weight), but not sig Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17803 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4.5 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 1.64 whole body growth DEC Y 15% N/I N/R 15% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17804 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.7 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 3.54 whole body growth DEC Y 34% N/I N/R 34% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17805 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 8.4 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.1 whole body growth DEC Y 21% N/I N/R 21% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17806 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 16.2 mg/L continuous 28 d 2.56 whole body growth DEC Y 28% N/I N/R 28% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17807 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 33 mg/L continuous 28 d 15.4 whole body growth DEC Y 85% N/I N/R 85% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17808 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 1.64 whole body growth DEC Y 16% N/I N/R 16% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17809 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 3.44 whole body growth DEC Y 23% N/I N/R 23% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17810 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6 whole body growth DEC Y 46% N/I N/R 46% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17811 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11.2 whole body growth DEC Y 65% N/I N/R 65% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17812 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.2 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 3.66 whole body growth DEC Y 27% N/I N/R 27% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17813 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6.4 whole body growth DEC Y 45% N/I N/R 45% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17814 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11 whole body growth DEC Y 55% N/I N/R 55% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17815 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 13 whole body growth DEC Y 74% N/I N/R 74% sig dec growth (weight) Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17816 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11 whole body survival DEC Y 75% N/I N/R 75% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17817 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 13 whole body survival DEC Y 13% N/I N/R 13% survival Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17820 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet N/I N/I 28 d 4.5 whole body growth DEC Y N/I N/I EC 50 accum causing 50% reduction in growth Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17821 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 4.6 mg/L continuous 28 d 0.82 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17822 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 9.1 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.9 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17824 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4.5 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 1.86 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17825 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.7 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 3.54 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17826 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 8.4 mg/L continuous 28 d 1.1 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17827 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 16.2 mg/L continuous 28 d 2.56 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17828 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous 33 mg/L continuous 28 d 15.4 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17829 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 4 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 1.64 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17830 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 3.44 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17831 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17832 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11.2 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17833 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW diet 8.2 mg/L 1x/24hr 28 d 3.66 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17834 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 8.4 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 6.4 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17835 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 16.2 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 11 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 17836 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic 7440-38-2 N Y FW aqueous/diet 33 mg/L continuous-1x/24 hr 28 d 13 whole body accumulation INC Y N/I N/I N/R accumulation increased Erickson et al. 2011. The relative importance of waterborne an.... Aquat Toxicol 104:108-115.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 5015 L Rainbow Trout immature N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 60 mg/L N/I 8.75 8.1 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 Loss of equilib, eventual mortality McGeachy and Dixon. 1992. Whole-body arsenic concentrations in rai.... Ecotox Environ Safe 24:301-308.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 5016 L Rainbow Trout immature N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 120 mg/L N/I 2.4 8.6 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 Loss of equilib, eventual mortality McGeachy and Dixon. 1992. Whole-body arsenic concentrations in rai.... Ecotox Environ Safe 24:301-308.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 5017 L Rainbow Trout immature N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 120 mg/L N/I 1.45 8.6 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 Loss of equilib, eventual mortality McGeachy and Dixon. 1992. Whole-body arsenic concentrations in rai.... Ecotox Environ Safe 24:301-308.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 5018 L Rainbow Trout immature N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 240 mg/L N/I 1.3 13.5 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 Loss of equilib, eventual mortality McGeachy and Dixon. 1992. Whole-body arsenic concentrations in rai.... Ecotox Environ Safe 24:301-308.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1694 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 36 mg/L N/I 77 d 3.05 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 30 Test at 5 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1695 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 18 mg/L N/I 77 d 1.5 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 7 Test at 15 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1696 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 18 mg/L N/I 77 d 1.5 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC Test at 15 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1697 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 36 mg/L N/I 77 d 3.05 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC Test at 5 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1698 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 9 mg/L N/I 77 d 0.5 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC Test at 15 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 1699 L Rainbow Trout juvenile N/I Arsenic 7440-38-2 N N/I N/I aqueous 18 mg/L N/I 77 d 0.85 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC Test at 5 C McGeachy and Dixon. 1990. Effect of temperature on the chronic tox.... Can J Fish Aquat Sci 47:2228-2234.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21640 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW aqueous 2.95 mg/L continuous 21 d 3 whole body mortality NEF N/R 0% 0% N/R no mortaliy occurred in either the exposure or control group Dixion and Sprague. 1981. Acclimation‐induced changes in toxicity .... J Fish Biol 18:579-589.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21641 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW aqueous 2.95 mg/L continuous 21 d 3 whole body growth NEF N 0.43 g 0.44 g N/R no difference in weight of the exposure group as compared to the control group Dixion and Sprague. 1981. Acclimation‐induced changes in toxicity .... J Fish Biol 18:579-589.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21706 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 180 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.62 whole body mortality NEF N/R 3% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21707 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 360 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.76 whole body mortality NEF N/R 4% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21708 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 732 µg/g N/R 8 wk 3.58 whole body mortality INC N/R 12% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality increased during latter half of experiment Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21709 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 1477 µg/g N/R 8 wk 4.32 whole body mortality INC N/R 9% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality increased during latter half of experiment Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21714 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 180 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.62 whole body growth DEC Y 5.96 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21715 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 360 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.76 whole body growth DEC Y 1.53 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21716 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 732 µg/g N/R 8 wk 3.58 whole body growth DEC Y -0.30 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21717 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 N Y FW diet 1477 µg/g N/R 8 wk 4.32 whole body growth DEC Y -0.38 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21730 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 163 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.6 whole body growth NEF N 11.88 g 11.42 g N/R no difference in gain in body weight in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21731 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 362 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.88 whole body growth NEF N 11.40 g 11.42 g N/R no difference in gain in body weight in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21732 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 793 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.38 whole body growth NEF N 11.87 g 11.42 g N/R no difference in gain in body weight in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21733 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 1497 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.28 whole body growth DEC Y 10.68 g 11.42 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21722 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 163 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.6 whole body mortality NEF N/R 2% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21723 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 362 µg/g N/R 8 wk 0.88 whole body mortality NEF N/R 0% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21724 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 793 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.38 whole body mortality NEF N/R 2% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21725 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Dimethylarsinic acid 75-60-5 N Y FW diet 1497 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.28 whole body mortality NEF N/R 1% 0% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21718 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 137 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.38 whole body growth DEC Y 2.00 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21719 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 262 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.82 whole body growth DEC Y 0.33 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21720 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 500 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.24 whole body growth DEC Y -0.51 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21721 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 1053 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.9 whole body growth DEC Y -0.74 g 8.70 g N/R gain in body weight significantly decreased in exposure group as compared to the control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21710 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 137 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.38 whole body mortality NEF N/R 3% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21711 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 262 µg/g N/R 8 wk 1.82 whole body mortality NEF N/R 5% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality similar to control Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21712 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 500 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.24 whole body mortality INC N/R 16% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality increased during latter half of experiment Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.
Oncorhynchus mykiss 21713 L Rainbow Trout juvenile C Disodium arsenate heptahydrate 10048-95-0 N Y FW diet 1053 µg/g N/R 8 wk 2.9 whole body mortality INC N/R 11% 1% N/R no stastical analysis; frequency of mortality increased during latter half of experiment Cockell and Hilton. 1988. Preliminary investigations on the compar.... Aquat Toxicol 12:73-82.