Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
You are viewing Chordata: Vert (fishes; salmonid) and Selenium
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21749 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.54 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 64.9 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21750 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.8 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 66.0 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii | 15085 | L | Cutthroat trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | N/I | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.2 | egg | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | deformity frequency | Chapman. 2007. Selenium thresholds for fish from cold f.... Hum Ecol Risk Assess 13:20-24. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii | 15086 | L | Cutthroat trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | N/I | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 4.12 | egg | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | deformity frequency | Chapman. 2007. Selenium thresholds for fish from cold f.... Hum Ecol Risk Assess 13:20-24. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 15089 | L | Brook Trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | N/I | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.28 | egg | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | deformity frequency | Chapman. 2007. Selenium thresholds for fish from cold f.... Hum Ecol Risk Assess 13:20-24. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 15090 | L | Rainbow Trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | N/I | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 8 | egg | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 20 | deformity frequency | Chapman. 2007. Selenium thresholds for fish from cold f.... Hum Ecol Risk Assess 13:20-24. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 412 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 2.5 mg/L | N/I | 6 | 2.1 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 413 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 1 mg/L | N/I | 22 | 2.2 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 414 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 5 mg/L | N/I | 4 | 3.6 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 415 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 10 mg/L | N/I | 3 | 3.6 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 416 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 20 mg/L | N/I | 2 | 5.8 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 100 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 417 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 10 mg/L | N/I | .25(10) | 1.25 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 30 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 418 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 25 mg/L | N/I | .25(10) | 1.04 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 50 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 419 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.4 mg/L | N/I | 28 | 1.68 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LD 75 | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 420 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 0.1 mg/L | N/I | 28 | 0.46 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Gissel-Nielsen et al. 1978. Sensitivity of trout to chronic and acut.... Agr Environ 4:85-91. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 636 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 7.8 | kidney | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | weight | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 637 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 20 | liver | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | weight | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 638 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 7.8 | kidney | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 639 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 20 | liver | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 640 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 7.8 | kidney | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 641 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 20 | liver | biochemistry | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 642 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 7.8 | kidney | cellular | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | liver (gray colored), kidney, spleen, muscle lesions | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 643 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 20 | liver | cellular | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | liver (gray colored), kidney, spleen, muscle lesions | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 644 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 1.8 | kidney | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 645 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 9.2 | liver | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 646 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 20 | liver | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (liver/body weight ratio) | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 647 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 1.8 | kidney | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 648 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 140 | 9.2 | liver | mortality | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Hilton et al. 1980. The requirement and toxicity of selenium.... J Nutr 110:2527-2535. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 661 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 0.92 | carcass | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | growth (weight); residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 662 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 1.74 | gastrointestinal | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | growth (weight); residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 663 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 4.32 | kidney | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | growth (weight); residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 664 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 9.56 | liver | growth | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 665 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 0.92 | carcass | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 666 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 1.74 | gastrointestinal | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 667 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 4.32 | kidney | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 668 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 13.1 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 9.56 | liver | mortality | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 669 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 0.32 | carcass | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 670 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 1.92 | kidney | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 671 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 8.84 | liver | growth | NEF | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 672 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 0.32 | carcass | mortality | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 673 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 1.92 | kidney | mortality | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 674 | L | Rainbow Trout | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 3.7 µg/g | N/I | 168 | 8.84 | liver | mortality | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | residue measured at 12 weeks | Hilton et al. 1982. Absorption, distribution, half-life and .... Comp Biochem Phys C 71:49-55. |
Salvelinus malma | 16640 | L | Dolly varden | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/I | 13.6 | egg | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Field captured fish, no controls | McDonald et al. 2010. Developmental toxicty of selenium to dol.... Environ Toxicol Chem 29:2800-2805. |
Salvelinus malma | 16641 | L | Dolly varden | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/I | 13.6 | egg | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (length) | McDonald et al. 2010. Developmental toxicty of selenium to dol.... Environ Toxicol Chem 29:2800-2805. |
Salvelinus malma | 16642 | L | Dolly varden | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/I | 13.6 | egg | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | McDonald et al. 2010. Developmental toxicty of selenium to dol.... Environ Toxicol Chem 29:2800-2805. |
Salvelinus malma | 16643 | L | Dolly varden | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/I | 10.8 | egg | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 10 | Larval weight; Field captured fish, no controls | McDonald et al. 2010. Developmental toxicty of selenium to dol.... Environ Toxicol Chem 29:2800-2805. |
Salmo salar | 12401 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 17 | liver size residue measure is unclear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12402 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 61 | liver size residue measure is unclear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12403 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 41 | liver size residue measure is unclear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12404 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | phosphocreatine; resiude measure is unlcear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12405 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MATP after 2 hr recovery; resiude measure is vague | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12406 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 232 | glycogen; resiude measure is unclear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Salmo salar | 12407 | Meso | Atlantic Salmon | juvenile | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.5 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 61 | lactate; resiude measure is unclear | Dube et al. 2005. Effects of metal mining effluent on Atla.... Sci Total Environ 343:135-154. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14233 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | egg | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Fish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14234 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | egg | reproduction | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Fish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14235 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | egg | reproduction | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Fish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14236 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | egg | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Fish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14237 | L | Rainbow Trout | adult | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 1.5 | muscle | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Fish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14238 | L | Rainbow Trout | adult | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 1.5 | muscle | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 112 | CondtionFish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14239 | L | Brook Trout | adult | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 3.8 | muscle | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 115 | CondtionFish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14240 | L | Brook Trout | adult | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 3.8 | muscle | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 131 | CondtionFish captured in Luscar Creek | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14241 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 28 | cranio facial | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14242 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | skeletal | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14243 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | finfold | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14244 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 29 | edema | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14245 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | length | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 14246 | L | Rainbow Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 9.9 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 129 | weight | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14247 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 8 | cranio facial | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14248 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | skeletal | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14249 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | finfold | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14250 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | edema | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14251 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 6 | length | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Salvelinus fontinalis | 14252 | L | Brook Trout | egg | W | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | Y | N | FW | in situ | N/I | N/I | N/A | 7.8 | muscle | development | N/I | N/I | Yes | N/I | ED 16 | weight | Holm et al. 2005. Developmental effects of bioaccumulated .... Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2373-2381. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15286 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 17 | Condition factor (fitness); egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15287 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 56 | Deformity,skeletal; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15288 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 43 | Deformity, edema; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15289 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 62 | Deformity Severity, skeletal; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15290 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 44 | Deformity Severity,edema; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15291 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 74 | ovary, oocyte artesia M; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15292 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 41 | ovary, % normal follicle develop; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15293 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 71 | ovary, % hemosiderin; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15294 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 24 | liver, macrophage aggregates; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15295 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 120 | liver, hemosiderin; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15296 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 27 | kidney, macrophage aggregates; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15297 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 67 | kidney, lipfuscin; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | 15298 | L | Cutthroat trout | egg | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | sediment | 0.093 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 12.534 | egg | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 100 | kidney, immature renal tubules; egg to alevin | Rudolph et al. 2008. Reproductive success, early life stage d.... Environ Sci Tech 42:3101-3114. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 12947 | L | Rainbow Trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 13 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.04 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = 1.3 gREF: Hilton et al 1980 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 12948 | L | Rainbow Trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 12 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 0.9 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | REF: Hilton and Hodson, 1983 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12949 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 26 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.68 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = 4.2gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1986 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12950 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 9.6 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.3 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = ~1gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12951 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 9.6 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.08 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = ~1gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12952 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 18.2 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.16 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = ~1gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12953 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 5.3 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 0.8 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = ~1gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12954 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | diet | 5.3 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 0.86 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = ~1gMigrationREF: Hamilton et al 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 12964 | L | Rainbow Trout | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 47 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 1.3 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | fish wt = 0.08gREF: Hunn et al 1987 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12965 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 69 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.76 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | Hamilton et al 1986; Hamilton and Wiedmeyer 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12966 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 143 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.98 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | Hamilton et al 1986; Hamilton and Wiedmeyer 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 12967 | L | Chinook Salmon | N/I | N/I | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N/I | N/I | N/I | aqueous | 67 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 0.98 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/R | Hamilton et al 1986; Hamilton and Wiedmeyer 1990 | Hamilton. 2004. Review of selenium toxicity in the aquat.... Sci Total Environ 326:1-31. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21751 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.3 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 65.8 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21752 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.86 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 64.5 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21753 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 6.68 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 54.2 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21739 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.54 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 56.0% | 66.7% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21740 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 44.7% | 66.7% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21741 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.3 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 31.2% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21742 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.86 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 20.9% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21743 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 6.68 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 18.2% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21759 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.54 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.01 g | 5.30 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21760 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.8 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 4.50 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21761 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.3 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 4.40 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21762 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.86 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 3.77 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21763 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 6.68 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 1.58 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21769 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.54 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21770 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.72 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21771 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21772 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.88 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21773 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 5.76 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21779 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.54 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 128.5 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21780 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.72 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 123.4 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21781 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.6 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 119.1 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21782 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.88 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 114.5 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21783 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 5.76 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 110.5 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21789 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.54 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 23.4 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21790 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.72 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 20.2 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21791 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.6 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 17.7 g | 22.1 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21792 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.88 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 16.8 g | 22.1 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21793 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 5.76 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 13.0 g | 22.1 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21794 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.36 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 20.5 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21795 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.7 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 20.1 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21796 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.2 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 18.3 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21797 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.52 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 24.9 g | 22.1 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21798 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 4.64 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 12.9 g | 22.1 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21784 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.36 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 124.2 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21785 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.7 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 121.9 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21786 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.2 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 115.7 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21787 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.52 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 134.5 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21788 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 4.64 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 108.0 mm | 126.4 g | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21774 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.36 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21775 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 0.7 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21776 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 1.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21777 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 2.52 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21778 | L | Chinook Salmon | fingerling | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | SW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 120 d | 4.64 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | >94% | >94% | N/R | survival was not affected in fish fed selenium diet for 120 d | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21764 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.34 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.13 g | 5.30 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21765 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.52 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 5.38 g | 5.30 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21766 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.08 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 4.71 g | 5.30 g | N/R | no effect on growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21767 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.16 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 3.26 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21768 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 5.56 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 0.98 g | 5.30 g | N/R | significant decrease in growth (g) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21744 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.34 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 72.5% | 66.7% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21745 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.52 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 45.0% | 66.7% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21746 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.08 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 37.5% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21747 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.16 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 22.4% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21748 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 5.56 | whole body | survival | DEC | Y | 10.7% | 66.7% | N/R | significant decrease in survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21754 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 3.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.34 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 67.8 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21755 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 5.3 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 0.52 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 68.6 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21756 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 9.6 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 1.08 | whole body | growth | NEF | N | 67.6 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | no effect on length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21757 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 18.2 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 2.16 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 64.4 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | 21758 | L | Chinook Salmon | swim-up fry | C | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | N | Y | FW | diet | 35.4 µg/g | daily | 90 d | 5.56 | whole body | growth | DEC | Y | 51.9 mm | 69.9 mm | N/R | significant decrease in length (mm) of exposure group as compared to the control | Hamilton et al. 1990. Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet.... Environ Toxicol Chem 9:347-358. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10768 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 12 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.2 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 33 | N/I | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10769 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 12 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.2 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 11 | growth (length) | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10770 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 18 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.41 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (length) | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10771 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 18 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.41 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10772 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1.2 | whole body | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | calculated LOED | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10773 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 12 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.2 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | lipid peroxidation | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10774 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 12 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.2 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | GSH:GSSG ratio | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10775 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 18 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.41 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | GSH:GSSG ratio | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | 10776 | L | Rainbow Trout | fry | N/I | Seleno-DL-methionine | 1464-42-2 | Y | N/I | N/I | diet | 18 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.41 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | lipid peroxidiation | Vidal et al. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on l.... Arch Environ Con Tox 49:71-75. |