Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
You are viewing Mollusca: Invert (snails) and Cadmium
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Babylonia areolata | 11468 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 30 | rectum | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild increase in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11469 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild Pyknotic nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11470 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate increase of mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11471 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate thickening of basal lamina | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11472 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 100 | stomach | cellular | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11473 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 100 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Severe fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11474 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 22 | rectum | cellular | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11475 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 50 | gill | cellular | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11476 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | probiscis | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11477 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11478 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | digestive gland | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11479 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 50 | gill | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11480 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 100 | stomach | cellular | DEC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11481 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 22 | rectum | cellular | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11482 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 50 | gill | cellular | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in pyknotic nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11483 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 100 | stomach | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11484 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 22 | rectum | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11485 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | foot | behavior | DEC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (activity) | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Thais clavigera | 12028 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12029 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12030 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12031 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12032 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12033 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12034 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12035 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | indice of condition | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Condition index | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12036 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12037 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12038 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12039 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12040 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12041 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12042 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12043 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Carbohyrdate level | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12044 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12045 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12046 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12047 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12048 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12049 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12050 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12051 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Protein content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12052 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12053 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12054 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12055 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12056 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12057 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12058 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12059 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Lipid content | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12060 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12061 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12062 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12063 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12064 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12065 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12066 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12067 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MDA | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12068 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.36 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 1785 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Patella vulgata | 3569 | F | snail, common limpet | other | W | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | Y | N | SW | in situ | N/I | N/I | 9 mo | 82 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Rate of glycolysisno control | Shore et al. 1975. Cadmium levels and carbohydrate metaboli.... Mar Pollut Bull 6:187-189. |
Patella vulgata | 3570 | F | snail, common limpet | other | W | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | Y | N | SW | in situ | N/I | N/I | 9 mo | 52 | whole body | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Rate of glycolysisno control | Shore et al. 1975. Cadmium levels and carbohydrate metaboli.... Mar Pollut Bull 6:187-189. |
Lymnaea stagnalis | 15098 | L | swamp lymnae | N/I | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | FW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 86 | digestive gland | pathology | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | digestive gland | Desouky. 2006. Tissue distribution and subcellular loca.... Aquat Toxicol 77:143-152. |
Lymnaea stagnalis | 15099 | L | swamp lymnae | N/I | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | FW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 86 | digestive gland | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | # of granules in digestive gland | Desouky. 2006. Tissue distribution and subcellular loca.... Aquat Toxicol 77:143-152. |
Lymnaea stagnalis | 15100 | L | swamp lymnae | N/I | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | FW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 86 | digestive gland | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 175 | #granules in kidney | Desouky. 2006. Tissue distribution and subcellular loca.... Aquat Toxicol 77:143-152. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16571 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MT induction Low diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16573 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 30 | growth (shell length) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Thais clavigera | 12069 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.68 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 2670 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12070 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 785 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12071 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 8.2 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 2670 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12072 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 1.34 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 1242 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12073 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 2.22 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 2370 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12074 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 19.8 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.54 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 1242 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Thais clavigera | 12075 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | 90.9 µg/g | N/I | N/I | 4.82 | whole body | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 2370 | MT Induction | Cheung et al. 2006. Subcellular cadmium distribution, accumu.... Environ Toxicol Chem 25:174-181. |
Helisoma sp. | 5612 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 0.28 mg/L | N/I | 10 | 625 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | 50% | N/I | LD 50 | N/I | Carlson et al. 1991. The role of acid‐volatile sulfide in det.... Environ Toxicol Chem 10:1309-1319. |
Helisoma sp. | 5613 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 0.074 mg/L | N/I | 10 | 300 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Carlson et al. 1991. The role of acid‐volatile sulfide in det.... Environ Toxicol Chem 10:1309-1319. |
Helisoma sp. | 5615 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 0.14 mg/L | N/I | 10 | 460 | whole body | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Carlson et al. 1991. The role of acid‐volatile sulfide in det.... Environ Toxicol Chem 10:1309-1319. |
Physa sp. | 2407 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 8.3 µg/L | N/I | 28d | 10 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 117 | N/I | Spehar et al. 1978. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium .... Environ Pollut 15:195-208. |
Physa sp. | 2408 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 3 µg/L | N/I | 28d | 5 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 132 | Abnormal behavior preceded death | Spehar et al. 1978. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium .... Environ Pollut 15:195-208. |
Physa sp. | 2409 | L | snail | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | FW | aqueous | 27.5 µg/L | N/I | 28d | 28 | whole body | survival | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 84 | N/I | Spehar et al. 1978. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium .... Environ Pollut 15:195-208. |
Viviparus georgianus | 2515 | L | snail, banded mystery | N/I | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 48.2 µg/L | N/I | 60d | 34 | soft tissue | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | 10 mm average shell height | Tessier et al. 1996. Laboratory study of Cd and Hg uptake by .... Water Air Soil Pollut 86:347-357. |
Thais clavigera | 10563 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 4.52 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 58 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10564 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 100 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 8.26 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 105 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10565 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 400 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 26 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 189 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10566 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.86 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10567 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.12 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10568 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.72 | kidney | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10569 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 4.52 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 100 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10570 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 100 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 8.26 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 300 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10571 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 400 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 26 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 1300 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10572 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.86 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10573 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.12 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10574 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.72 | digestive gland | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10575 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 50 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 4.52 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 25 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10576 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 100 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 8.26 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 33 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10577 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | aqueous | 400 µg/L | N/I | N/I | 26 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | IP 100 | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10578 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.86 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10579 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.12 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Thais clavigera | 10580 | L | snail, rock shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N/I | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 3.72 | other | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metallothionein induction | Blackmore and Wang. 2004. Relationships between metallothioneins a.... Mar Ecol Prog Ser 277:135-145. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16539 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MT induction high diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16540 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metabolism, feeding rate | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16541 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 193 | MT induction high diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16542 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metabolism, feeding rate high diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16543 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16544 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 33 | growth (shell length) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16545 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 193 | MT induction | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16547 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | physiological | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | metabolism, feeding rate Low diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16548 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 290 | MT induction high diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16549 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (weight) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16551 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | MT induction | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16552 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 6.6 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 40 | growth (weight) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16555 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 120 | MT induction Low diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16557 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 187 | MT induction | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16560 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | N/I | N/I | N/I | 5.2 | soft tissue | growth | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | growth (shell length) | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Haliotis diversicolor | 16567 | L | snail, abalone | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | diet | N/I | N/I | N/I | 1 | soft tissue | biochemistry | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | ED 200 | MT induction Low diet | Huang et al. 2010. Responses of abalone Haliotis diversicol.... Ecotox Environ Safe 73:1130-1137. |
Peringia ulvae | 11412 | L | snail, Laver spire shell | adult | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | N/I | diet | 8.54 N/I | N/I | N/I | 0.02 | whole body | behavior | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | behavior (feeding) | Sokolowski et al. 2005. Cd transfer in the deposit-feeder Prosob.... J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 317:159-174. |
Babylonia areolata | 11425 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | probiscis | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11426 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11427 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 100 | stomach | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11428 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 22 | rectum | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11429 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | foot | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11430 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate increase in mucus vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11431 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11432 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 4 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11433 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 4 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild Reduction in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11434 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 160 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11435 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | digestive gland | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11436 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 50 | gill | mortality | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | N/I | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11437 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild reduction of folding of epithelium | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11438 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 2 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11439 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 4 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild increase in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11440 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 4 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11441 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 160 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild increase in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11442 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 160 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Reduction in length of ciliai | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11443 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | rectum | cellular | INC | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11444 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | rectum | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11445 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11446 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild Reduction in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11447 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | NOEC | Pyknotic nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11448 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild thickening of basal region | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11449 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate reduction of folding of epithelium | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11450 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 160 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11451 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 160 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate Pyknotic nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11452 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | rectum | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild Reduction in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11453 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild increase in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11454 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 20 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Mild increase of hemocytes | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11455 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | probiscis | cellular | INC | N/I | Yes | N/I | LOEC | in mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11456 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate reduction of length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11457 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 240 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate reduction of length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11458 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 240 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11459 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate reduction in length of cilia | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11460 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Severe dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11461 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 45 | gill | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate increase of hemocytes | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11462 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Severe dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11463 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 5 | probiscis | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Severe dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11464 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate increase of mucous vacuoles | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11465 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate fragmentation of muscle sheath | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11466 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 15 | esophagus | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Moderate dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |
Babylonia areolata | 11467 | L | snail, spotted babylon | juvenile | N/I | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | N | N/I | SW | aqueous | 0.08 mg/L | N/I | N/I | 240 | stomach | cellular | N/I | N/I | N/I | N/I | LOEC | Severe dialation of nuclei | Tanhen et al. 2005. Histopathological alterations in the edi.... Environ Toxicol 20:142-149. |