Field Name | Description |
% Effect | The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). |
Analyte | The chemical substance used to create the exposure. |
CAS | CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |
COLL | Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). |
Comments | Commonly supports the effects data. |
Common name | Common name of the test animal. |
Control | The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). |
Dose | The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. |
Duration | The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). |
Effect | The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). |
ERED ID | Unique identification number autogenerated by database. |
ExpConc | The exposure concentration and units. |
Fraction | The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). |
Genus Species | Scientific name of the test animal. |
Media | Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) |
Mix | Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). |
Risk | Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study. |
Route | The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. |
Signif | Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). |
Source | Reference from which data was obtained. |
Spiked | Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) |
ST | Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). |
Stage | Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). |
Tissue ww (mg/kg) | Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). |
Trend | The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). |
Source: Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63..
Genus Species | ERED ID | ST | Common | Stage | COLL | Analyte | CAS | MX | SPK | H2O | Route | CONC | Dose | DUR | Residue mg/kg ww |
Fraction | Effect | Trend | Signif | % Effect | Control | Risk | Comments | Source |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22659 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 973 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 6.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22663 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 2.4 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22667 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 973 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 5.5 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 90% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22671 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 1.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 90% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22675 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 973 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 3.6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 90% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22679 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 1.7 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22683 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1.1 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22687 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 932 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 3.9 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22691 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1.1 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 47 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22695 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 932 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 3.9 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 116 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22693 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 955 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 9.6 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 91 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22681 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 94 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 4.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22689 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 94 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 4.2 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 85 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22685 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 955 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 9.6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22677 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 88 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.7 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22673 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 961 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 3.3 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22669 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 88 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.5 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22665 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 961 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 16.4 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 95% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22661 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 88 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22657 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Arsenic trioxide | 1327-53-3 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 961 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 8.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22658 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 970 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 8.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22662 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 86 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.4 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22666 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 970 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 3.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22670 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 86 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 95% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22674 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 970 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 3.4 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 90% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22678 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 86 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22686 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 833 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 3.7 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22690 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 88 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 119 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22682 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 88 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22694 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Disodium arsenate | 7778-43-0 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 833 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 3.7 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 63 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22696 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 1112 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 4.8 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 47 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22692 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1.6 | whole body | reproduction | NEF | N | 51 | 91 | N/R | no effect on reproduction (no. of young produced) of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22688 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 1112 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 4.8 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Daphnia magna | 22684 | L | cladoceran, water flea | 12 hr old | C | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 89 µg/L | weekly | 21 d | 1.6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control; results for 14 days of exposure; unexplained deaths occurred prior 21 days of exposure | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22680 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 85 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 91.5% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Stagnicola emarginatus | 22676 | L | snail, St. Lawrence pondsnail | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 846 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 2 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 85% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22672 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 85 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.4 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Planorbella campanulata | 22668 | L | snail, bellmouth ram's horn | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 846 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 4.5 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 84% | 100% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22664 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 85 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 0.5 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 100% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |
Pteronarcys dorsata | 22660 | L | stonefly, giant black | N/R | W | Sodium dimethyl arsenate | 124-65-2 | N | Y | FW | aqueous | 846 µg/L | continuous | 28 d | 6 | whole body | survival | NEF | N | 90% | 95% | N/R | no effect on survival of exposure group as compared to the control | Spehar et al. 1980. Comparative toxicity of arsenic compound.... Arch Environ Con Tox 9:53-63. |