Environmental Residue-Effects Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Field Name Description
% Effect   The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). 
Analyte   The chemical substance used to create the exposure.  
CAS   CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance.  
COLL  Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). 
Comments  Commonly supports the effects data. 
Common name  Common name of the test animal. 
Control   The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). 
Dose  The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. 
Duration   The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). 
Effect   The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). 
ERED ID  Unique identification number autogenerated by database. 
ExpConc  The exposure concentration and units. 
Fraction   The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). 
Genus Species   Scientific name of the test animal. 
Media  Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) 
Mix   Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). 
Risk   Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study.  
Route   The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. 
Signif   Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). 
Source  Reference from which data was obtained. 
Spiked  Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) 
ST  Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). 
Stage   Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). 
Tissue ww (mg/kg)   Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). 
Trend   The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). 

Source: Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249..

Genus Species ERED ID ST Common Stage COLL Analyte CAS MX SPK H2O Route CONC Dose DUR Residue
mg/kg ww
Fraction Effect Trend Signif % Effect Control Risk Comments Source
Mytilus edulis 18706 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 4.46 whole body physiological DEC N/R 97% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18707 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 5.96 whole body physiological NEF N/R 116% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18708 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 7.18 whole body physiological NEF N/R 129% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18709 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 16.2 whole body physiological DEC N/R 91% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18710 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 17.7 whole body physiological DEC N/R 85% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18711 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 18 whole body physiological DEC N/R 86% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18712 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 25.4 whole body physiological DEC N/R 54% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18713 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 4.46 whole body physiological NEF N/R 101% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18714 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 5.96 whole body physiological DEC N/R 77% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18715 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 7.18 whole body physiological DEC N/R 74% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18716 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 16.2 whole body physiological DEC N/R 24% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18717 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 17.7 whole body physiological DEC N/R 4% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18718 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 18 whole body physiological DEC N/R 7% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18719 L blue mussel N/R W Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 25.4 whole body physiological DEC N/R 0% 100% N/R clearance as % of control; DBT 1-300 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18664 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.084 whole body physiological DEC N/R 95% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18665 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.23 whole body physiological INC N/R 114% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18666 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.37 whole body physiological INC N/R 135% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18667 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.09 whole body physiological INC N/R 164% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18668 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.36 whole body physiological INC N/R 147% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18669 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 3.78 whole body physiological INC N/R 146% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18670 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.11 whole body physiological INC N/R 109% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18671 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.16 whole body physiological INC N/R 129% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18672 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.41 whole body physiological INC N/R 160% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18673 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.79 whole body physiological INC N/R 170% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18674 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.86 whole body physiological INC N/R 197% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18675 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.1 whole body physiological INC N/R 126% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18676 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.18 whole body physiological INC N/R 129% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18677 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.46 whole body physiological INC N/R 131% 100% N/R respiration as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18678 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.084 whole body physiological DEC N/R 79% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18679 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.23 whole body physiological DEC N/R 77% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18680 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.37 whole body physiological DEC N/R 95% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18681 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.09 whole body physiological DEC N/R 67% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18682 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.36 whole body physiological DEC N/R 37% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18683 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 3.78 whole body physiological DEC N/R 2% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18684 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.11 whole body physiological DEC N/R 86% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18685 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.16 whole body physiological INC N/R 104% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18686 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.41 whole body physiological INC N/R 110% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18687 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.79 whole body physiological INC N/R 103% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18688 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.86 whole body physiological DEC N/R 49% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18689 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.1 whole body physiological DEC N/R 93% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18690 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.18 whole body physiological INC N/R 105% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18691 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.46 whole body physiological INC N/R 112% 100% N/R clearance rate as % of control; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18692 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.084 whole body physiological DEC N/R 10 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18693 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.23 whole body physiological DEC N/R 8.7 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18694 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.37 whole body physiological DEC N/R 10.9 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18695 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.09 whole body physiological DEC N/R 3.9 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18696 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.36 whole body physiological DEC N/R -0.9 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18697 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 3.78 whole body physiological DEC N/R -8 13.8 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18698 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.11 whole body physiological DEC N/R 10.2 13.3 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18699 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.16 whole body physiological INC N/R 13.3 13.3 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18700 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.41 whole body physiological DEC N/R 12.9 13.3 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18701 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 0.79 whole body physiological DEC N/R 10.3 13.3 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18702 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 4 d 1.86 whole body physiological DEC N/R -0.7 13.3 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18703 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.1 whole body physiological DEC N/R 11.3 13.4 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18704 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.18 whole body physiological DEC N/R 13.3 13.4 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.
Mytilus edulis 18705 L blue mussel N/R W Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 Y Y SW aqueous N/I daily 8 d 0.46 whole body physiological INC N/R 15.1 13.4 N/R scope for growth; TBT 0.01-5 ug/L Widdows and Page. 1993. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on.... Mar Environ Res 35:233-249.